Monday, February 16, 2009

Mitch's party - part two

Mitch’s party – part 2
Party was great – got there at 7:00pm and left at 11:45pm/ Way way beyond my 3-hour rule. My 3-hour rule is that that is my limit for standing/ and or sitting around being polite before I want to get home and rip off my clothes and get comfortable.
Anyway, we got there early. Private room at Valentines. Set for 27 people. Beautiful wreaths on the walls and gorgeous little flower vases on the table – one for each couple to take home. I had first glass of wine and then switched to water so I could maintain. Met a girl in the bathroom who had been there 4 1/2 hours. She was falling over in the sink.
Back in the private room, the owner comes fawning all over Ron to introduce him to the man in charge of our party. “Oh Pedro, this is MR BLOOM’ and signora. I said, I’m his wife Lois”;; I wanted to say “you fool” I guess when you say signora it could be his wife, ,mistress, girlfriend, daughter or niece. That’s their way of being safe. Now that I think of it a more appropriate response would have been, I’m Mrs. Bloom. I know I shouldn’t care about these things…maybe its my back east upbringing…I don’t know; one of the reasons I wanted to get married was so I could be “official”.
Anyway, Jeff’s date cancelled so he came alone but early so I was able to talk to him a bit. Todd and Alyson came. She seems so perfect and they do seem happy.
Lots of very nice people—fun funny speeches. Ron gave a beautiful talk and said how Mitch has his mothers mind and how he is a model son. Mitch gave a speech and called me mother and Jeff and Todd brothers.
My friend Lee asked me what we ate. I said after 1 1/2 hours drinking first, who could remember. First course was lobster risotto—black rice—excellent—ate half and I was full that’s the thing about these dinners, they become endurance contests.
After each course the women moved 2 seats to the left. Eventually I got to sit next to Jeff and Todd and laugh with my sons and Alyson.
One of Mitch’s friend is married to a girl, Leann, and we look alike and everyone calls us sisters which pisses her off cause she’s 21 years younger than we. She’s a wild one Mitch says she’s dangerous. Very fun – she’s very wild.
Feel absolutely paralyzed the next day. Maybe it was thru spanz.

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