Sunday, September 7, 2008


Dear Governor Palin:
I am seriously disturbed and frankly quite puzzled by your decision to carry your downs syndrome son to term. I understand you have pro-life principles -, a valiant ideology, which is your right as an American to have. However, as the mother of a handicapped son who was born blind, had seizures and kidney failure; i don't think you have any idea of what you are doing.,
Having a child that is different and demands "special attention" is a challenge that we as a family dealt with and met with love.
However, we didn't have a choice and you did. How can you possibly know how those special needs will affect absolutely every single thing you and your family do every second of every day.
I'm first thinking of the impact this will have on your other children. Life will not be 'normal". The entire mobility of the family will be affected, even if its just by the
stares from other people. Your attention will constantly be diverted from your other children if, by nothing else, by your attempt to make things normal. When you hold a baby in your arms it is easy to pretend everything is ok. As this child goes out in the world and must interact it is a different story.
I am voting for you and admire you. I even teared up when you spoke of being an advocate for mothers of children with special needs - - but I think that this decision is so unfair to your son, your other children and yourself.
Yes my other sons are richer, deeper, more caring individuals because they always had to help and guide him. It was a burden I wish they didn't have to endure.
My son never complained, was grateful for every second and every kindness. Only towards the end did he say "mom. I was born to suffer".
Your son and family will suffer in ways you cannot imagine. I think in your attempt to be magnanimous, you are actually being selfish. Having an ideology is one thing. living with the consequences is another. I wish you great patience and love.

Most sincerely
Lois Feldman Bloom

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